本場音樂會為NTNU雙語推動系列活動之一,將由音樂系師生帶來室內樂與合唱曲目。本院希望在打造學生英語環境時,也能夠像音樂融入在我們的生活之中一樣自然。這場音樂會結合了無國界的語言「音樂」與英語解說,在復活節這個象徵生命與希望的節日,希望可以透過音樂與話語,拉近我們彼此的距離。本場音樂會的名稱「Re:Vive」由兩個意涵結合而來:一是 Revive ,為復甦之意,復活節是象徵希望的節日;Re: 則是我們對前人音樂經典的回覆與迴響。藉由本場音樂會,我們將在眾多經典大師創作的悠然樂音中,從春日中甦活希望與喜悅。
地點:師大古蹟音樂廳 (禮堂)
時間:2024/04/01 (一) 19:30,19:00-19:30 開放入場
This concert is one of NTNU’s BEST Program promotion series activities, and will feature chamber music and choral repertoires presented by students from the Department of Music. By combining the borderless language – music- with both Mandarin and English introductions, the College aims to create a natural English environment for students, just as music being integrated into our lives. In the festive vibe of Easter, a festival that symbolizes life and hope, we hope that music and words can bring us closer to each other. The name of this concert “Re:Vive” comes from the combination of two ideas: one is “revive”, which means becoming active or flourishing again; on the other hand, “Re:” represents our response to the music classics composed by our predecessors. Through this concert, we will revive hope and joy of the spring in the music created by these masters.
Venue: Heritage Assembly Hall (Auditorium), NTNU
162, Heping East Road Section 1, Taipei, Taiwan
Time: Apr. 1, 2024, MON. 19:30 (Entrance 19:00-19:30)