Music-assisted Guidance and Special Education Credit Program
To address the diverse trends in social development and to foster talent with cross-disciplinary learning, this program has been collaboratively designed by the College of Music and the College of Education. The curriculum encompasses five main areas: Music Theory, Special Education and Counseling Theory, Creativity and Teaching Practice, Musical Instrument Application and Physiology and Psychology. These areas aim to enable students to pursue advanced studies and related career paths, such as music therapy, both domestically and internationally after graduation.
Music-assisted Guidance and Special Education Credit Program
Course List
Required Courses: Area of Music Theory
課程代碼 | 科目名稱 | 學分數 | 開課老師 | 備註 |
MUU0247 | 音樂治療導論Introduction to Music Therapy | 2 | 音樂系莊惠君 | 惟無法修習到【MUU0247 音樂治療導論】者,可改修習【MUU0236 音樂心理學】做為必修科目 |
Elective Courses (I): Area of Special Education and Counseling Theory
課程代碼 | 科目名稱 | 學分數 | 開課老師 | 備註 |
SPU0096 | 復健諮商導論Introduction of Rehabilitation Counseling | 3 | 特教系陳貞夙 | 理論領域3門科目需擇2科修習,6學分 |
PCU0130 | 諮商理論Theories of Counseling | 3 | 心輔系黃素菲王櫻芬 | |
SPU5007 | 特殊教育導論Introduction to Special Education | 3 | 特教系王曉嵐廖靜宜 |
Elective Courses (II): Area of Creativity and Teaching Practice
課程代碼 | 科目名稱 | 學分數 | 開課老師 | 備註 |
MUU0244 | 創造力與音樂教學Creativity and Music Teaching | 2 | 音樂系吳舜文 | 創造力與教學領域4門科目需擇一修習,至少2學分 |
MUC0031 | 奧福教學法之教學技巧及運用Teaching Technique and Application of Orff Approach | 2 | 音樂系莊惠君 | |
SPU0074 | 創造力教育Creativity | 2 | 特教系潘裕豐李乙明 | |
PCU0143 | 創造力心理學Creativity Psychology | 2 | 心輔系劉家瑜張雨霖 | |
SPU1033 | 行為改變理論與技術Behavior Modification Theories and Techniques | 2 | 特教系王慧婷 | 1.教學實作領域2門科目需擇一科修習,至少2學分2.選修【特殊教育課程調整與教學設計】前,必須先修過【特殊教育導論】 |
SPU0092 | 特殊教育課程調整與教學設計The Curricula Adaptation and Teaching Design for the Students with Special Needs | 3 | 特教系胡心慈 |
Elective Courses (III): Area of Musical Instrument Application
課程代碼 | 科目名稱 | 學分數 | 開課老師 | 備註 |
MUU0361 | 吉他(一)Guitar (I) | 1 | 音樂系黃修禮 | 1. 上列樂器應用領域8門科目需至少擇2科修習,並滿4學分(含)以上2.可僅選修【樂器(一)】,惟建議需修過【樂器(一)】後,才可選修【樂器(二)】 |
MUU0362 | 吉他(二)Guitar (II) | 1 | 音樂系黃修禮 | |
MUU0359 | 木笛(一)Recorder (I) | 1 | 音樂系陳孟亨 | |
MUU0360 | 木笛(二)Recorder (II) | 1 | 音樂系陳孟亨 | |
MUU0335 | 電子琴概論(一)Introduction to Electronic Organ (I) | 2 | 音樂系陳怡婷 | |
MUU0336 | 電子琴概論(二)Introduction to Electronic Organ (II) | 2 | 音樂系陳怡婷 | |
MUU0305 | 合唱(一)Chorus (I) | 2 | 音樂系陳麗芬孫愛光 | |
MUU0306 | 合唱(二)Chorus (II) | 2 | 音樂系陳麗芬孫愛光 |
Elective Courses (IV): Area of Physiology and Psychology
課程代碼 | 科目名稱 | 學分數 | 開課老師 | 備註 |
0AUG402 | 心理學Psychology | 2 | 通 識楊諮燕黃美齡朱采翎蘇宜芬 | 心理學領域3門科目需擇一科修習,至少2學分 |
PCU0152 | 普通心理學(一)General Psychology (I) | 2 | 心輔系許禕芳 | |
PCU0048 | 變態心理學Abnormal Psychology | 2 | 心輔系林旻沛 | |
0NUG246 | 生理心理學Physiological Psychology | 2 | 通 識呂國棟 | 生理學領域2門科目需擇一科修習,至少2學分 |
HEU0179 | 人體解剖生理學Human Anatomy and Physiology | 3 | 衛教系王淑慧 |